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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Education with Meditation.

Along with education, meditation is also necessary.

Education is one of the powers. Similar to wealth, health, wisdom, compassion, etcetera. 

Power must be purified and confined by noble and humble objective to accomplish healing purpose. It becomes meaningful to humanity and mankind.

My education transformed me superficially. Made me civilized. 
My meditation transformed me deeply, made me realized.  

My education gave me gold medals. 
My meditation gave me golden moments. 

My education gave me job eligibility. 
My meditation gave me life flexibility. 

My education fostered appreciation. 
My meditation fostered introspection.  

My education made me a good tax-payer. 
My meditation answered my prayers.  

My education sharpened my intelligence. 
My meditation deepened my awareness.  

My education stimulated my passion. 
My meditation motivated my compassion.  

My education made my job fruitful. 
My meditation made my life grateful.  

My education provoked competitiveness. 
My meditation invoked inclusiveness.  

My education inflated my ego. 
My meditation allowed to me let go.  

My education coloured my mind. 
My meditation purified my mind.  

My education pushed me outward. 
My meditation pulled me inward.  

My education made me who I am. 
My meditation showed me who am I.  

Educate to Meditate. 
Education is useless without meditation. 
Power must have a humble purpose.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more here.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

Education without purpose.

Kannada India student. Krishna.

Good Score, marks in examination.

Money is not everything in life.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Enjoying good life.

Justice of Krishna in Mahabharata.

Indian Movie Stars (Actors). Celebrities. 

How yogic kriya can change our destiny?

Unmarried by Anup Jalota 

Link to this article.
Education with Meditation.
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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Transformation of emotions.

Human being is an emotional animal. Connected with different people, culture, belief systems and emotions.  

Human needs to wisely analyse. To understand what is beneficial for growth and healing. 

To transform and change the habits. As habits are connected with emotions. 

Transformation is possible with a belief in possibility. Possibility can be achieved when human can imagine being in a state of mind consisting of infinite freedom.  

Concentration on forehead. Between the eyebrows. Is the initial step towards experiencing infinite freedom. Disconnecting with emotions. Moving towards pineal glad. Creating a state of mind for possibilities.

The darkness experienced by closing the eyes is the infinite freedom. Similar to the dark matter of cosmic universe. Imagining this state the mind expands and feels relaxed. Healing and joy is the consequence of this state of mind.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Link to this article. 
Transformation of emotions. 


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Music. Nada yoga. Ritambara pragna. Chakras.

Scientific knowledge of Cosmic Existence is physical vibration.
Sound, has spectrum.

Human ears can hear bands of different frequency.

Ultra and sub sonic. 

Ritambara pragna:
Is state of mind.
Might hear rare frequencies. 

Pranamaya kosha:
Consists 72000 nerves. 

114 junction boxes, or chakras.  
112 are inside human body.  
2 chakras are outside. 

108 chakras are divided into right Ida and left pingala, 54 each.    

54 sanskrit alphabet.  
Consists of sounds.  
Femenine and masculine.    

108 sounds in classical music.  
Called as nada yoga.  
To achieve freedom, liberation by experiencing music.

Music Color Vibration Spectrum.

Hearing frequency range that can be heard by humans or other animals. The range is commonly given as 20 to 20,000 Hz. Wikipedia

Link to this article.
Music. Nada yoga. Ritambara pragna. Chakras.
