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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Education with Meditation.

Along with education, meditation is also necessary.

Education is one of the powers. Similar to wealth, health, wisdom, compassion, etcetera. 

Power must be purified and confined by noble and humble objective to accomplish healing purpose. It becomes meaningful to humanity and mankind.

My education transformed me superficially. Made me civilized. 
My meditation transformed me deeply, made me realized.  

My education gave me gold medals. 
My meditation gave me golden moments. 

My education gave me job eligibility. 
My meditation gave me life flexibility. 

My education fostered appreciation. 
My meditation fostered introspection.  

My education made me a good tax-payer. 
My meditation answered my prayers.  

My education sharpened my intelligence. 
My meditation deepened my awareness.  

My education stimulated my passion. 
My meditation motivated my compassion.  

My education made my job fruitful. 
My meditation made my life grateful.  

My education provoked competitiveness. 
My meditation invoked inclusiveness.  

My education inflated my ego. 
My meditation allowed to me let go.  

My education coloured my mind. 
My meditation purified my mind.  

My education pushed me outward. 
My meditation pulled me inward.  

My education made me who I am. 
My meditation showed me who am I.  

Educate to Meditate. 
Education is useless without meditation. 
Power must have a humble purpose.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more here.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

Education without purpose.

Kannada India student. Krishna.

Good Score, marks in examination.

Money is not everything in life.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Enjoying good life.

Justice of Krishna in Mahabharata.

Indian Movie Stars (Actors). Celebrities. 

How yogic kriya can change our destiny?

Unmarried by Anup Jalota 

Link to this article.
Education with Meditation.
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Click on the (months) to open, and see the latest post of articles.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Transformation of emotions.

Human being is an emotional animal. Connected with different people, culture, belief systems and emotions.  

Human needs to wisely analyse. To understand what is beneficial for growth and healing. 

To transform and change the habits. As habits are connected with emotions. 

Transformation is possible with a belief in possibility. Possibility can be achieved when human can imagine being in a state of mind consisting of infinite freedom.  

Concentration on forehead. Between the eyebrows. Is the initial step towards experiencing infinite freedom. Disconnecting with emotions. Moving towards pineal glad. Creating a state of mind for possibilities.

The darkness experienced by closing the eyes is the infinite freedom. Similar to the dark matter of cosmic universe. Imagining this state the mind expands and feels relaxed. Healing and joy is the consequence of this state of mind.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Link to this article. 
Transformation of emotions. 


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Music. Nada yoga. Ritambara pragna. Chakras.

Scientific knowledge of Cosmic Existence is physical vibration.
Sound, has spectrum.

Human ears can hear bands of different frequency.

Ultra and sub sonic. 

Ritambara pragna:
Is state of mind.
Might hear rare frequencies. 

Pranamaya kosha:
Consists 72000 nerves. 

114 junction boxes, or chakras.  
112 are inside human body.  
2 chakras are outside. 

108 chakras are divided into right Ida and left pingala, 54 each.    

54 sanskrit alphabet.  
Consists of sounds.  
Femenine and masculine.    

108 sounds in classical music.  
Called as nada yoga.  
To achieve freedom, liberation by experiencing music.

Music Color Vibration Spectrum.

Hearing frequency range that can be heard by humans or other animals. The range is commonly given as 20 to 20,000 Hz. Wikipedia

Link to this article.
Music. Nada yoga. Ritambara pragna. Chakras.


Friday, September 10, 2021

Soul Atma

Nature's creation has a soul. A certain type of intelligence which cannot be seen by eyes. Everything has this soul. Commonly generally called as soul of the universe. 
Human beings think by their brains consisting of intelligence. Interacted with sense organs and senses. 

This intelligence can either be constructive or destructive. Good or bad. Angels or devils. For example, Joy or sorrow. In the form of various emotions and thoughts and feelings. 

The good part of intelligence is called as soul enhancement or brightening or enlightenment of soul. The more practice of goodness, for example, by using meditation or yoga or prayers or knowledge. Will increase the soul enlightenment.  

For example, the good qualities of soul are healing with joy, calmness, compassion, freewill of infinite freedom for love. It can also consists of truth, loyalty, and justice.

I have written here, for more clarification.
Good or bad is within ourselves.
Fight between two wolfs.

The collective thoughts of several individual good souls will create a phenomenon of supreme soul. Which is much powerful in the process of healing.  

I have written here, for more clarification.
What is maharishi effect.

Thus practice moves towards perfection, which is never-ending, infinite evolution.

I have written here, for more clarification.
Human evolution.

There is soul or atma present in every one. Similar to a light flame. But it’s either dim or bright. Either low or high. 

When the person practices and controls his mind and body, by meditation and yoga, his soul or atma gets enlightened. Similar to lighting the flame within. The intelligence will grow, expand, and glow brighter.

This gets brighter by constant practice. The more intense is the practice, the much brighter becomes the soul or atma.

People are connected, with family members. Bondage.
Detachment of connections gives calmness.
When a person wants to detach from others. To experience calmness. He needs to think in this way:

शिवोऽहम्, शिवोऽहम्; 
केवल आत्मा, शिवोऽहम्।  

न जन्म,  न मृत्यु,  न जाति कोई मेरी। 

पिता, न कोई माता मेरी।   

शिवोऽहम्, शिवोऽहम्;  
केवल आत्मा, शिवोऽहम्।

Below is the english translation.

I am shiva, the soul.
I don't have birth or death.
I don't have any cast or religion.
I don't have any father or mother.
I am the soul. The intelligence.

After thinking like this for a few minutes. The person will start feeling freedom from connections. To experience calmness. 

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Yss srf Indian independence 1940's

In the period of India’s struggle for independence. Years of 1940’s. Mr Yogananda created organization for meditation and yoga. To help everyone. For a good society.

Things that matter in our lives.
(1) Our food (body)
(2) Our purpose (mind)
(3) Our actions (karma)

People around us can change by looking at our discipline.

Respect is gathered by giving happiness.

Search for the address of yogananda meditation centers in india or other countries.

Link to YouTube.

Pranayama Technique for Controlling Emotions.

Practice of Healing Technique, prayers.

Concept of freedom, religion, and kindness.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.

Money is not everything in life.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Link to this article.
Years of Indian independence 1940's.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Children meditation

I have been conducting meditation for school children recently.

Here are a few videos I uploaded recently.

Benefits of  Meditation are: 

Blood pressure is controlled. 

Health problems stops. 

Mind becomes clear. 

Intuition develops. 

Concentration improves. 

Obstacles are removed. 

Creates mental peace, and happiness.

On 10 th March.

Link to above YouTube.

On 9 th March.

Link to above YouTube.

On 8 th March.

Link to above YouTube.

My youtube channel.

I have put up few of my photos here:

With Students.

Link to above YouTube.

More of my photos.

In the below link you can read what is happening in my life. My Journey of Life. About my financial situation and it's connection to my purpose of life. 
Read more here:

Why I wish to purchase a small piece of farm land, and why I want to live a simple life.

Sharing a few links below, to explore the journey of my life. It's an effort to provide better understanding of life. This might even help in finding solutions and answers to problems and questions.

We believe that we can get blessings by doing good things in our lives. Fruits of our actions, called as karma.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.

Money is not everything in life.

Proof, evidence of justice.

Enjoying good life.

Justice of Krishna in Mahabharata.

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Link to this article.

Children meditation.

This page can also be translated in different languages. Hindi. Kannada ( ). Select other languages.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Training the mind.

This is applicable for both women and men. 

Human beings gets connected to others. For example, Similar to wireless devices. Sometimes it's better to put the device's bluetooth into off mode. 

When the human mind can disconnect with negative vibration comeing from outside or within, it can experience healing. 

A state of mind which is happy, calm and free with the joy of freedom. 

This is the healing state of mind, which can in turn heal the body. 

The blood pressure will be in a controlled state, when there is no fear and anger. 

It's possible to create a state of mind within oneself. 

Sometimes it's better to disconnect with the outside connections. 

It's an art which takes a lots of practice to disconnect, as it's tuned to obey others since childhood, with fear.

It's not so easy. Because the body is seeking for happiness by establishing the outside connections through the mind. 

To Let go of all negative vibrations. People try to get away from these negative vibrations by consuming alcohol and tobacco, which is not good for the body. This must be done in a natural way.

I wish to provide training in this regarding subject, how to control the mind. Please do reach me if you need help. 

If we can create happy people, then we can create a happy and strong nation. Free of bad addictions.

If a person is enjoying being alone in solitude, then it means to say that, they are better organized, psychologically and emotionally.

Lot's of people go crazy if they stay alone. 

Smart people like being alone. They do only those things that are really important and necessary for the process of healing.

Seeking happiness by distance remote connection with another person is wrong bad negative approach. 

Everytime whenever the negative energy of another person tries to connect. It must be disconnected by practicing the art of technique.

Energy must be controlled to achieve happiness through healing. 
Learning how to find happiness is important. 

Happiness is within oneself. Its an art to be learnt by practice. Its not outside in another person. 

Persistent pasionate desire with practice to experience through learning this art is the solution to live a life of happiness.

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Read this article in different languages. Kannada. Hindi.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Why to meditate.

Why do we need meditation. This is the simple question asked by people.

Usually we find it difficult to control our mind. It seems as if our mind is like a balloon in the wind. Blown here and there by external circumstances. If things go well, our mind is happy. But if they go badly, it immediately becomes unhappy. But we can't find solutions with a depressed mind.

If a person does not feel the need for meditation then it’s good because this person is already living a happy balanced life. Usually a person will start to seek for medicine only when they are not feeling well. Meditation is also a type of medicine, with lower side effects. 

Usually a person must ask oneself if they are really happy being calm, and gentle. If the answer is yes then they are already blessed with a balanced life, they are lucky to enjoy their life. 

Every person has a different requirements in life. Some people feel the need for meditation because they are in search of healing and happiness. Usually when people are trying to improve their present life style. Due to stress, anger, loneliness, depression, anxiety and lack of health. Few people also do meditation as a routine preventive measure for future safety.

Link to above YouTube.

Yoga is a gift of India to the world. - Sadhguru. Jaggi Vasudev.

What happens when breathing is controlled ?
If you're breathing is:
@. At 12 times per minute.
You will understand the language of:
Earths atmosphere. 
Metrologically sensitive. 
@. At 9 language of other creatures.
@. At 6 language of the earth. 
@. At 3 language of creation. 
- Sadhguru. Jaggi Vasudev. 
@. Video.01. @. Video.02. @. Video.03

Yogananda excercise with controlled breathing.
Synchronizing breathing with body parts.
Called as:
Energiezation excercise. 
After which the meditation is conducted.

Children meditation.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Link to this article.
Why to meditate.

Link to main page.
Mind, body and soul.


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Seeking for joy

We are all on a journey. 
Our life is a journey. 
Searching for happiness. 
Finding the answers to our desires. After we achieve all our desires. After we achieve all the happiness that we expect from this life. The ultimate happiness is very simple, it's the contentment, and the joy of satisfaction of achievement.

Every human being and every other creature in existence is trying to achieve this joy of happiness by satisfaction. Everyone has a target to achieve, it gives happiness. 

After understanding what is happiness, it becomes a never-ending joy of satisfaction. It's a state of mind, experiencing this state of happiness and joy is possible through various ways. 

But somehow this state of mind has to be achieved in order to feel happily satisfied with joy. 

It's better if we can achieve it with a natural process. Without any side-effects, of physically and mentally. Without hurting our body and mind. Learning to be happy. A state of mind, joyfulness. 

It can be achieved by relaxing the mind. Disconnecting the body and mind. Which creates a feeling of carefree, no tensions, no fears, absolute freedom. This is what we are seeking for. The joy of freedom.

Why to meditate.

Training the mind.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Writting about my financial situation and it's connection to my purpose of life.
After returning back from USA in 2009 I wanted to live in a colder place. 
With lesser mosquitoes, insects, stray animals and dust.
My Life's journey.

Sharing a few links below, to explore the journey of my life. It's an effort to provide better understanding of life. This might even help in finding solutions and answers to problems and questions.
Journey of my life.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Read this article in different languagesKannadaHindi.

Link to this article.
Seeking for joy.


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Music for meditation.

Different vibrations of various instruments.
Enhance different moods, emotions, situations and surroundings. 


(∆) Flute.

(∆) Shehnai.

(∆) Veena.

(∆) Sitar.

(∆) Santoor.

(∆) Violin.

(∆) Harmonium.

(∆) Piano.

Link to above YouTube.

Children meditation.

Link to this article.

Music for meditation.

Music Therapy.

Music Color Vibration Spectrum.

Music. Nada yoga. Ritambara pragna. Chakras.

Convert into MP3 music.

Convert video to audio.

Google convert video to audio.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Bad Dreams

It's 3 am on 2021-02-15. I am awake from an unpleasant dream. Where my mind was miserably helpless when my body was unconsciously sleeping. Below is my experience.

When I sleep. My body is unconscious. I get dreams. The most dangerous time of my life. Life is when body is conscious. Suddenly when I wake up. That is when I perform kriya yoga. Thanks for saving my life (consciousness).

Thanks for helping me to live a healthy life. A happy life. 

When my body is unconscious. My mind is helplessly miserably dreaming, experiencing unavoidable people and circumstances of fear. I wish and pray to avoid and control such dangerous bad dreams. Freedom of happiness is precious. 

Kriya yoga helps me to provide control of body and thoughts while in consciousness.

But I wonder that I will be happy if I can practice kriya yoga when my body is unconsciously dreaming, miserably helplessly experiencing people and circumstances.

I wish to avoid my unconscious dreaming state of body.

I Realise that control of my body is spine, and that of my mind is infinite darkness in space. 

When my mind is happy in infinite darkness, with my spine straight, under control, its healing my concious body and mind.

I will help others for free. So that others too can help me for free.

Link to above YouTube.

Children meditation.

Link to this article.

Bad dreams.