Being Vegetarian is much spiritual and healthy. Human digestive system is not designed to consume meat food. It is very rare to see human beings eating uncooked raw flesh. It is difficult for human system to digest raw meat.
It can be quite often observed that people who eat meat are much aggressive and arrogant compared to vegetarians. More over, why eat meat when nature has already provided us with such delicious fruits and nutritious vegetables and food grains.
One must control ones physic with intelligence and wisdom.One must eat to provide the necessary energy. Over eating too much will lead to health problems as well.
Vegetarian animals have been helping humans , for example cow, goat, horse, elephant, camel, etc.
Vegetarian animal Elephant has a huge and strong body. Horse has a strong body. These have constructive, peaceful and calm behavior thinking minds along with strong physical body strength.
Vegetarian animals are humble and gentle.
Non vegetarian animals are wild and arrogant.
If we compare the human teeth structure with other vegetarian animals like , cow, camel, deer, horse, etc. We can notice they are similar to humans.
Where as non vegetarian meat eating animals like , tigers, dogs, cats, etc. The teeth structure is not similar as humans.
It is also not advisable to consume too spicy, foods with chilies, oil and masala. A little bit of it just for taste if needed will be fine. Food intake directly influences mental attitude and thinking capabilities. Too much of raw chili, onion, garlic, etc will create destructive vibrations, like anger, hatred, frustration, etc which will make a person fickle. It can also influence in formation of intestinal ulcers. On the other hand meals like Milk, Fruits, Green Vegetables, salads, cereals, baked products, whole grains, germinated grains, etc will definitely help improve appetite and immunity levels. In fact vegetarian foods have more protein values compared to the other.
We usually tend to learn by looking at others, by inspirations. Some of them may feel good to consume meat by looking at history, of how ancient civilizations were hunting to satisfy their hunger, by looking at how they gave respect to their food. How the ancestors would have been thankful for the food to sustain their lives. But the reality remains that, they had nothing else to eat other than meat, at that time, and at that situation.
In today's modern world, we have supermarkets to provide vegetables, grains, fruits, etc. Thus we have no need to kill any animal to satisfy hunger. There is plenty of vegetarian food available without any meat. Medically it is also proved that balanced vegetarian diet is much healthier for the body than eating meat. As researches show that our human body system is not made to digest meat. It is also proved that, there is enough food grains to feed the entire world, if people would avoid eating meat, thus meat production would come down.
Yoga and Food, are inter-connected.
When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic Proverb
Practicing Yoga is one of the most beneficial regimes, but when complemented with the right food, it can really create wonders. In fact, eating the right food is an essential part of living a Yogic life.
What we eat, not only influences our physical well being, but also our emotions and thoughts. Yoga, does not dissect food into proteins, carbohydrates or fats, instead it classifies them according to the effect they have on the body and mind, into three types – satva, rajas and tamas.
Tamasic food is the kind of food which makes us lethargic or sluggish,
while Rajasic food is that which brings about hyper-activity or restlessness.
Whereas, Sattvic food is the kind which makes you feel light, energetic and enthusiastic.
Sattvic foods are those which purify the body and calm the mind
They stimulate the body and mind into action.
Cooked food that is consumed within 3-4 hours can be considered sattvic.
Examples - Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains, fresh milk , certain spices.
(In excess, these foods can cause hyperactivity, restlessness, anger, irritability, and sleeplessness)
Overly tasty foods are Rajasic. Stale or reheated food, oily or heavy food and food containing artificial preservatives fall under this category.
Examples – Spicy food, onion, garlic, tea, coffee, fried food.
Tamasic food are those which dull the mind and bring about inertia, confusion and disorientation
Example – Non vegetarian diet, stale food, excessive intake of fats, oil, sugary food, almond
Not just the right kind of food, it is vital to eat the proper quantity of food at the right time. Overindulging leads to lethargy while under eating will not provide enough nourishment. Most of the times we know that our stomach is full but tempted by the taste buds we tend to indulge. The right amount of food cannot be quantified into cups or grams, when we listen to our body attentively we will know when exactly to stop.
We might eat the right kind of food in the right quantity but if we are irregular with our timings then the whole system goes for a toss and the natural rhythm of the body is hampered. Therefore it is of prime importance to eat food at the same time everyday and eat it at regular intervals.
It is said that the state of the mind of the person cooking also affects the food. The energy in the food cooked by someone while they were angry will definitely be lower than that of someone who cooked it with a feeling of love, contentment and gratitude. Listening to some soothing music or chanting while cooking and eating can help retain the Prana (life force energy) in the food. If you have grudge against someone all the time, then your mind becomes so uptight, and it creates toxins. If you are feeling negative, then toxins increase. These toxins cause so many illnesses, including cancer. So, we should always keep our mind free, and that is why we forgive everyone, so that we can be at peace.
Yoga also prescribes a more personalized diet according to the nature of our constitution. Food that might be favorable for someone might be harmful for a person of another constitution. It is best to consult an Ayurvedic physician to decide what kind of food is necessary for you and which should be avoided. It is definitely worthwhile to pay some attention to the food that we eat as the ancient Indian texts say that we are what we eat.
“The word Yoga stems from the word ‘yuj’ meaning to unite or harmonize. When we do more yoga, we start getting more in touch with ourselves. As we get in touch with ourselves, we begin to experience joy. We are all different parts of the universe and we start experiencing this connection when we do yoga. That’s why yoga and meditation are relaxing,”
What is Yoga: Yoga is not mere acrobatics - it is a holistic approach of uniting the body, mind and spirit.
Yoga and yoga postures are beneficial as they bring a harmonious balance within your system. A state of total well-being is not just a healthy body, but a healthy mind and spirit too. Yoga works on all these facets.
With an aim to naturally rejuvenate an individual, by balancing the body, mind and spirit. The focus of Yoga practice is ‘balance’.
All ailments, diseases are manifestations of imbalances in the body. Ailments are the body's way of calling attention for 'more care'. Yoga and yoga postures provide simple and practical solutions to all your daily problems.
Physically, the yoga postures improve the flexibility of the muscles and the joints. They also massage the organs, thus improving their functionality. Yoga heals various chronic illnesses in a natural and simple way and also improves the body’s immunity.
Meditation being one of the main aspects of yoga, it's essential that you sit for meditation after practicing yoga and pranayama. In meditation one delves deep into the Self.
In an extremely subtle and effortless manner, yoga and yoga postures make you more contented and happy. Overall the body feels healthier and more energetic. It is less prone to diseases and effects of day-to-day stress. When the yoga poses are coordinated with the breath, the practice becomes effortless.
Yoga in Office.
De-stress yourself at your workplace with yoga.
Doing yoga in the office can be fun, innovative and relaxing with many long term benefits.
Prolonged work on the computer strains the neck, shoulder and back muscles, which leads to tension and stiffness. Unless attended to properly, it could impact your ability to function effectively at the workplace, affecting your overall quality of life.
Office yoga comprises of a sequence of simple exercises you can perform quite unobtrusively at your desk, at any time of the day.
Making these exercises a part of your office routine can work wonders as they wipe away body pain, fatigue and tension and increase overall muscle strength and flexibility, keeping you fresh and revitalized through the day.
The exercises don’t demand much time, and can be done in spurts throughout the day, sparing you from unnecessary discomfort in the long run.
Below are Easy to do Yoga asanas in the office.
Suggestion: If you are wearing tight, uncomfortable footwear remove them before starting the stretches. You may also wish to loosen your tie and belt.
Here are a few exercises you could try for a start:
Neck Roll
Close your eyes.
Let your chin drop down to your chest.
Begin the circular motion of your neck slowly, by moving the right ear to the right shoulder, taking the head backwards and then bringing the left ear to the left shoulder.
Keep your shoulders loose and relax.
Rotate your neck 3-5 times and then switch directions.
Cow Stretch
Keep your feet on the floor.
Bring both hands on your knees.
While inhaling, stretch your back backwards and look towards the ceiling.
While exhaling, stretch your back forward and drop your head forward.
Repeat this exercise for 3-5 breaths.
Seated Forward Bend
Push your chair away from your desk.
Remaining seated, keep your feet flat on the floor.
Take your arms behind the lower back, keep your back straight and interlace your fingers behind your back.
Bending forward from the waist, bring your interlaced hands over your back.
Rest your chest on your thighs and relax your neck.
Eagle Arms
Stretch your arms straight in front of your body and parallel to the floor. Palms facing the ceiling.
Cross your right arm over the left (bend your arm slightly at the elbow if needed). Bring both palms together.
Lift both elbows. The shoulders slide down your back.
Repeat this exercise with the left arm over the right.
Seated Spinal Twist
Sit sideways in your chair.
Place your feet flat on the floor.
Holding the back of the chair with both hands, twist your waist to the right towards the back of the chair.
Turn to the other side. Repeat this exercise a few more times.
Temple Rub.
Keep your elbows on your desk and place your hands on your temples.
With small circular motions gently rub your temples first clockwise and then anti-clockwise.
Do this for 10 – 15 long deep breaths.
Watch your ‘Thoughts’, they become words.
Watch your ‘Words’, they become actions.
Watch your ‘Actions’, they become habits.
Watch your ‘Habits’, they become character.
Watch your ‘Character’, for it becomes your Destiny.
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Early Humans Ate Grass,
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