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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Yss Lahiri Mahasaya Quotes


Always remember that you belong to no one, and no one belongs to you. 

Reflect that some day you will suddenly have to leave everything in this world - so make the acquaintanceship of God now.

My worship is of a very strange kind.
In this, Ganga water is not required.
No special utensils are necessary.
Even flowers are redundant.
In this puja all gods have disappeared.
And emptiness has emerged with euphoria.

Clear your mind of dogmatic theological debris; 
let in the fresh, healing waters of direct perception. 

Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life. 

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception. 

Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. 

Cease being a prisoner of the body; using the secret key of KRIYA, learn to escape into Spirit.

Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing.

I am ever with those who practice Kriya Yoga. I will guide you to the
Cosmic Home through your enlarging perceptions.

Mahavatar Babaji revealed to Lahiri Mahasaya: “The Kriya Yoga which I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century is a revival of the same science which Krishna gave, millenniums ago, to Arjuna, and which was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ, St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.

Link to this article. 
Lahiri Mahasaya Quotes. 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yss Kriya Yoga

This is what I could read from below link.

Sri Yogananda says:

I am giving technique for those who truly want to know God.

Not only theological but practical technique. 

1 hour of kriya yoga is equivalent to 24 hours of ordinary prayer. 

When the consciousness is withdrawn from the sensory surface of the body and its surroundings and centralized in the cerebrospinal shrines of soul perception, that is the most effective time to pray.

Mr. Babaji told Mr. Lahiri Mahasaya:

"The Kriya Yoga that I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century, is a revival of the same science that Mr. Krishna gave millenniums ago to Mr. Arjuna. And that was later known to Patanjali and Christ. And to St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.”

Kriya Yoga is the highest method of God contact. In my own search for God I travelled all over India, and heard wisdom from the lips of a number of her greatest masters. I can therefore vouch for the fact that in Yogoda Satsanga ( Self-Realization ) teachings are the highest truths and scientific techniques given to mankind by God and the great ones.

Unattracted to the sensory world, the yogi experiences the ever new joy inherent in the self. Engaged in divine union of the soul with spirit. He attains bliss indestructible’ (Bhagavad Gita V:21). 

Breath, sound, and movement of the eyes belong to this world. But the yogi who has control of the breath may enter the heavenly astral and causal worlds and commune there with God’s saints, or enter cosmic consciousness and commune with God.

Each of your habits creates a specific ‘groove,’ or pathway, in the brain. These patterns make you behave in a certain way, often against your wish. Your life follows those grooves that you yourself have created in the brain. In that sense you are not a free person. You are more or less a victim of the habits you have formed.

Every time you meditate deeply on God, beneficial changes take place in the patterns of your brain.

Mentally affirm and pray to God: 
‘I command my brain cells to change, to destroy the grooves of bad habits that have made a puppet out of me. Lord, burn them up in thy divine light.’ 

And when you will practice the ( Yogoda Satsanga Society of India ) techniques of meditation. Especially Kriya Yoga. You will actually see that light of God baptizing you.
- Mr. Paramahansa Yogananda. ( The Divine Romance. )

Benefits of Kriya Yoga:

“Through Kriya Yoga, you experience what you really are. 
An immortal soul. 
Ever existing, ever conscious, ever new joy. 
This is the essence of what Mr. Yogananda taught. 
In one word, it is to meditate.”
- Mr. Swami Chidananda Giri.

Read more about the benefits of kriya yoga path of meditation. Learn about the revolutionary positive changes that come through the practice of the techniques of Kriya Yoga.

"Immerse Yourself in The Science of KriyaYoga".

“This teaching is especially suited to the modern age. 
Because it does not ask anyone to believe dogmatically. 
But rather by practice of the proven techniques of kriya yoga. 
To discover by personal realization. 
The answer to the eternal question: 
‘What is truth?’

Book: "About oneself and God." 
- Mr. Paramahansa Yogananda.

Explore short and longer self realization fellowship videos. 
Discussing the history and importance of the kriya yoga science of meditation. 
And its ability to infuse our lives with perfect joy and complete understanding: 

Mr. Paramahansa Yogananda on Kriya Yoga.

Link to this article. 
YSS Kriya Yoga.
