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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Learning Meditation.

Learning meditation.
Creating a state of calm mind where healing becomes possible.

Evolution of life is moving towards infinite path of neverending perfection. Because perfection is not an destination. Thus nothing is perfect. But moving towards neverending perfection is wisdom.
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A Beginner's Meditation
Self-Realization Fellowship
Link to this video. Search more.

Guided Meditation on Creating an Inner Environment for Success.
Link to this video. Search more.

Guided Meditation on Peace. Self-Realization Fellowship.
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Guided Meditation on Expansion of Consciousness. Self-Realization Fellowship.

Guided Meditation on Expanding Love. Self-Realization Fellowship

Guided Meditation on God as Light. Self-Realization Fellowship.

Guided Meditation on Living Fearlessly. Self-Realization Fellowship.


Devotional Kirtan Session by YSS Monastics.

Autobiography of a Yogi - Kannada Audio Book
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Autobiography of a Yogi - Telugu Audio Book
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Autobiography of a Yogi - Hindi Audio Book
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Inspirational Satsangas.
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Gita Talk Series
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Channel videos.

Check them out.

Why Did Jesus Forgive Those Who Crucified Him?
QnA Mallorca, Spain 2022
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Ask Gurudev Anything.
God, Death, Past Lives.
Mallorca, Spain.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

What Is The SOUL?
QnA From Barcelona 2022.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Do Aliens & Angels Exist?
Ask Gurudev Anything.
Boone, North Carolina.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Ramana Maharshi's Final Teaching.
Can You Handle the Truth?
Jason Gregory.

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Learning meditation.
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Sunday, May 15, 2022

What is Meditation for me?

I experience this after practicing meditation for several years. With spine posture and concentration between eyebrows. When I close my eyes. I feel the joy of freedom in darkness. Infinite space of expansion. I concentrate on various aspects after being in this state of mind. This state of mind is meditation for me. After being in this state the concentration or feeling of connection and control of other aspects is yoga union for me.

Various aspects of concentration are, body organs, chakras, control of breath, thoughts, emotions, etcetera. This is union of yoga for me. The differentiation of inner and outer, internal and external, within and outside. Generates clarity. Controlling various aspects improves will power.

I experience the healing in this state of being. 

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Link to this video. Search more.

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What is Meditation for me?

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Change Destiny Karma

How can, yogic kriya can change our destiny?

Cognition memory creates recognition and further reaction.

Reaction creates destiny. Destiny is created, by freewill.

Destiny is usually created unconsciously. But it must be created consciously.

Moving away from compulsive reaction towards consciousness response.

Karmik memory is, how we respond, or react, to our five sense organ inputs, of stimulus.

Especially hearing generates a stimulus to produce an verbal response.

We can clean, or clear, our karmic memory imprint, to change our destiny.

Working to attain this, is sadhana, or striving. To create our own destiny. 

One must know what is good to themselves, to create. Towards achieving the known clear objective. 

The freedom to create a social justice. As we are part of our society.

There is a price paid to achieve the privilege. Practice to create and craft destiny.

To clear the negative imprint of past memories. To convert regrets into lessons. From pain towards joy. From fear towards confidence. 

Future is freewill. Past is destiny, created, which was previously a freewill. To be created consciously. 

To avoid compulsive response to external situations. To respond consciously with freewill. 

Controlling of breathing differentiates humans from other animals. Either conscious or compulsive. Internal mastery will lead to external. 

Converting pain, agony, unhappiness into pleasure, ecstasy, happiness. The seed is within inside. 

Move away from compulsive reaction towards consciousness response.

How to change destiny. Cognitive memory, creates recognition, and generates response. Creating karma.
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Translation in Kannada, Hindi, Gujrati, Marathi, Urdu.

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What is Karma? How Do You Break the Karmic Trap.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Astrology prediction.

Astrology and prediction are not reliable. Certainly planets have impact, but they must not be able to affect our body. We must learn to control ourselves under the effect of the planets. We must become stronger. We must create our own destiny. Enhance our free will power. 

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Link to this article.
Astrology prediction.


Saturday, March 12, 2022

My Quest for healing

In my thirties ( year 2000). When I was in a difficult times. As my father had a heart attack (2004) . He had a loss in his business. I did not have a good job. Nor any property. As I did not get married due to financial reasons. 

I was feeling lonely and depressed. At that time I started moving towards spiritual life. 

In the past fifteen years (2005-2020). I visited 
(∆) iskcon (Bangalore, 2000). 
Then a couple of more in Himalayas. 
(∆) Osho, 
(∆) brahmakumaris, 
(∆) art of living, 
(∆) yss, yogananda, 
(∆) isha Sadhguru online, 
and many more. 

I was never religious. Nor superstitions. It was my quest for scientific healing. As I experienced several meditation centers. Past ten years. 

It helped me to tackle loneliness. To eliminate loneliness. I started enjoying solitude. To balance my emotions. Mind. To control my diet. Cravings for food. It was my necessity to invent methods to find healing and balance. A technique to create a state of healing, calmness.

Initially it took me several years, three to four years, with few hours every day practice. To understand the effects of meditation. After realising there was no looking back.

When ever possible. On holidays and weekends. It's my hobby to visit spiritual places. I find my happiness, healing, clarity and balance.

Some people think that they must follow only one guru. Similar to a honey bee 🐝 which extracts nectar from different flowers.
We must learn the knowledge towards healing. Similar to various gurus. Different people have various talents like singing, dancing, painting, music, etcetera. They are all divine. Various paths of healing toward the divine peaceful transformation. Towards neverending infinite path of evolution towards perfection. It's not a destination.

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Gurus since 1850. ( Click to enlarge image. )


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Calmness by neglecting bitterness

Creating calmness within will create a state of love.
Rejecting bitterness with calmness will create love or healing. Or replacing, or neglecting, bitterness. Loving oneself.

When the calmness within inside is stronger than the,  external negative thoughts of outsiders.  

This is the state of mind when, stable mind exists.  

Maintaining the stability of mind with calmness, 
without getting effected by external persons or circumstances.

To see clearly what is truth. 
To think and express clearly. 
To convince outsiders without confusing.  

This state of calmness is achieved by practicing meditation. 

Initially achieving this state of calmness requires time. 
Few years. 
But afterwards, it requires constant practice. 

Later it becomes a routine part of life.
Strongly embedded within oneself. 
This state of mind called calmness.

When outside people want to control you with anger, this is helpful. 

Or by dominating by confusing with arrogance. 

Or by inducing fear of confusion.

Converting the negativity into positivity. 
Or the bad mind into good mind is difficult. 
It requires more effort. 
It requires skills. 
Changing the thoughts in the mind is not a easy task. 
But it's a permanent solution to the problem.
Read more:
Convert bad into good.

Breathing exercise.

Benefits of meditation.

Why to meditate.

Seeking for joy.

Anger is a vibration.

Contagious mind.

Journey of my life.

Training the mind.

Relationships with Divine Angles. 

Link to the main page.
Mind, body and soul.

Link to this article.
Calmness by neglecting bitterness.

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